Wednesday, December 13, 2017

How I started watching UFC

        In 2009, I do not remember the exact date. I started watching UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship). At that time it was frustrating to watching WWE. I was watching WWE each and every time because of I do not like to see any other tv series. But I did not have cable tv or any other facility. I watched all these using youtube. One day, ufc videos suddenly appeared  in suggestion areas in youtube. That is where I first saw the ufc videos. It is real. It did not have a script. Frank Mir vs Brock Lesner was the first match. I think it was the first fight between them. Ankle lock submission was amazing.  The entire videos was stolen my heart.


Sunday, June 19, 2016

Who is a fighter

Sometimes he gets upset. when I asked him why? Inability to express himself verbally. That is why he is a fighter. When he gets into ring, he is a poet emotionally.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Future is unpredictable

Who do you want to be after 5 years? My architect asks from an interviewee. What I don't even think about an answer for that. WTF??

Think about this....